You should find this process similar to that done by many other service providers. Click on Login/Register to add your Username, Password (a strong one will be suggested, but you can choose your own), Name, e-mail address, and optional. After registration you can use the Login to enter existing username and password.
The username and password created (registration) tie to the "Subsciber-Administratorr" role, ("Member"). The financial information is entered separately, and ties to the "Subscriber-Administrator" ("Member") role. You can find more information under General Information.
PRELUDE Default. The system will assume that you are a new user wishing to signup for the PRELUDE free trial, which requires no credit card. If you start with PRELUDE you may upgrade to SOLO or ENSEMBLE (see Changing Plans). Otherwise, subscribe right away to the paid plan of your choice.
When you Register (Login) and choose your plan, you will be directed to set up your subscription credit card payment information at Checkout. You will enter: Full Name, Subscription Start Date, and Credit card information.
If you wish to pay an annual plan by check, select "Check" and you will receive automatically an invoice sent to your e-mail address. Please send a check within 30 days. (Your account will be active immediately.)