09-01-21 Student Load Utility added under Resources (formerly Teacher Resources) used to upload new students from a .csv file. Passwords automatically created, as well as teacher and course assignments, as options. Schools, in particular, need to add a large number of students to the system. There are two options: (1) load all student data; (2) load only names and the system creates the usernames and passwords.
08-20-21 Students Mass activate utility, Mass de-activate utility,
08-17-21 Additions to Dashboard of Purchase Order number, School Name, Comments, Alt Name, Alt email, Alt phone.
07-26-21 Fixed problem with adding seats to annual subscription. Updated Help Center.
07-26-21 Game playing screen is now centered and larger.
07-26-21 Delete student course assignments
07-18-21 Automated sequence now available with 52 % of games installed.
07-10-21 Existing student game scores history loaded and scores report function added (can view and/or print student scores)
07-05-21 Game scores appear next to game name in Assignment list
04-06-21 Added game name search to All Games.
In Development Queue
Assign individual game to student
App for MIDI on iOS
Student list sort options
Transfer student between members
Assign level of mastery % to individual student
Achievement badges and certificates
Challenge Games Scoreboard