Students Types & Ages


By Terry Treble
March 30, 2021


As soon as a child starts reading he or she is ready to start learning music. Most are naturally drawn to music and dance, and their inquisitiveness spurs them to learn. MusicLearningCommuity,com learning games are specifically designed to be simple, non-threatening, and animated. Yet, by purposeful design, are not "glitzy or theatrical", which can be a distraction.

These students need adult direction and attention, but once they gain a little experience they can be very successful working through their assigned sequence. These students can be working with a private music teacher or be home-schooled.

[At an MTNA convention we had a three-year-old girl stop by our display booth, sit down (to her mother's consternation), grab the computer mouse and start playing games. Several years later this now-fully-engaged music student dropped by our booth to say hello.]

Elementary (Grades K-5)

Once in school children have an opportunity to participate in General Music class. games are perfectly suited to be used in general classroom instruction, particularly with Smartboards.

This age range is the primary target of our music learning games, helping them gain a solid foundation in ear training, visual music skills, keyboard knowledge, and music literacy. It just builds from there.

Junior High (Grades 6-8)

Student of this age can start games, if they did not get an opportunity to start earlier, and gain much from the experience. It is a little harder for them to stay focused sometimes, so some adult attention is helpful.

Since the games are focused on music literacy and ear training skills, students that are involved in band or chorus can benefit as much as those taking private piano.

High School (Grades 9-12)

These students are sometimes difficult if they are not already fully engaged in music education. They don't want to "play silly games", even though they would learn from them. To these one successfully used approach is to challenge them to pass one or two games Quiz stages. They may call the game childish, but if youngsters can pass the Quiz and they cannot, then maybe there is something to learn.


There are three ways that the learning games have been successfully used in the college atmosphere:

(1) Colleges with "after school" or "child care" programs have used as a valuable addition.

(2) College courses in pedagogy have used the games as examples and for the college students to enhance their skills.

(3) When college students take music in an elective capacity, or take instruction with a different instrument, games have been successfully used to "fill in the holes" of their music education.


Even though games were originally targeted for young piano students with private teachers, and the learning takes place through games, it does not mean that the pedagogy is not mature. Exactly the opposite is true--the simplicity and fun are deceptively powerful. To adult students we say, "Think like a kid again!" and have fun learning what otherwise can be boring repetition, learning these valuable skills of music literacy.

And many adults have finally found the time to learn music that they did not get a chance to do, or consciously avoided in the past. These games are a wonderful aid.

[One adult harp student was recommended by her teacher to try and contacted us with a very favorable report of her progress and appreciation.}


A number of churches use games in both their church schools and with their choirs.

General Music

As already mentioned, the learning games are used by public school teachers in the lower grades general music classes. For only $7.95 per month (since scores history is not needed) a general music teacher can use Smartboards to engage groups students in music learning activities with the games.

Band, Orchestra, and Choir

Once a school has a subscription, adding teachers and students is very simple. A school can have General Music classes and simultaneously support band, orchestra, and choir students at Jr High and High School levels. Some students can use scores history for ascertaining progress, and getting graded, while others can just use the games for learning specific skills. And the EVAL sequence can be used to evaluate student's degree of mastery of musical skills.


We have testimonials from around the world regarding all ages using our learning games. Click here.

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