Dashboard- "My Courses"

Students Only

By Terry Treble
March 26, 2021


This provides a list of Sequence-Assignment combinations that have been assigned to the Student. Clicking on the "Title" takes the Student to Game Playing in the assigned Sequence. See Game Playing details below.

The list is in order, with the most recent Assignment on top. When an Assignment has been completed, the next Assignment will show up in this list.

Game Scores

Clicking on the link will cause a report to be produced which is then downloaded. The report can be viewed or downloaded, printed, and saved.

The student's computer needs to have a spreadsheet program such as Excel on it, or an application like Numbers that will read an .xlsx file. There are apps or applications available for free or little charge.

The Student may review the games scores history in columnar list form. This list includes the internal Game ID, the Game Name and Stage, and the First, Best, and Last scores achieved for the game. Target score also is given.

If the Game Stage is "Quiz" and any of the three scores meets or exceeds the Target score, then the Student is considered to have mastered the concept being taught.


(Future use for awards)

Game Playing

Selecting the Courses Title takes the Student to the Game Playing Assignment Panel,

When the target score is achieved on a game, the symbol in the listing of games will turn green with a check mark. (At present this change only appears after leaving and returning).

Teacher Access

Since a Teacher can see their students' usernames and passwords they can log in to a student's dashboard if needed

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