Dashboard- "Subscription"

Subscriber-Admin only

By Terry Treble
March 24, 2021

Subscription Details

Membership ID - Helpful to uniquely identify subscriber for Support.

Status - Shows whether the subscription is Active or InActive

Created - Date the original registration of the member took place.

Plan - Shows which Subscription Plan is being used, PRELUDE, SOLO, ENSEMBLE.

Total Seats - Shows the maximum number of student seats for the current subscription plan

Available Seats - Shows the number of student seats not occupied by active students.

(An inactive student does not use a seat, but all historical score records are maintained.) Teachers do not occupy seats unless they set up a test student to use.

Subscribe (PRELUDE)

A button links to the Checkout Page for a paid subscription.

Purchase Order Number

A field is provided to hold a purchase order number for reference. The billing system at this time does not include this number on the invoice, which is e-mailed to the Subscriber Administrator primary e-mail address. But if the invoice needs to be forwarded to a financial office, the System Administrator can pick up this PO number and include it.

The field contents may be modified, and can hold more than one purchase order number.

Billing & Payment

From here you may manage your subscription plans through the Stripe Customer Portal. Go to "Update Plan", then "Update Quantity".

  • Add Seats (Stripe Portal)

Here you can add student seats. If you are in SOLO (under 20 seats) and increase seats to 20 or more, then you are automatically subscribed to an ENSEMBLE subscription. The additional cost is prorated to the day these are added, and an invoice is immediately generated. Additional seats are immediately available.

  • Remove Seats - [Does not appear for annual subscriber]

Here you can reduce the number of student seats. If you are in ENSEMBLE (20 or more seats) and decrease seats to between 5 and 19, then you are automatically subscribed to a SOLO subscription. The reduced cost is prorated to the day the seats are reduced. The immediate effect is for your students to be "inactivated." This allows you to activate only those students you wish to occupy remaining student seats.

Change Status

In this area you may change the status of your subscription to Pause (monthly subscription), Resume (monthly subscription), or Cancel your subscription.

Pausing the subscription will stop charges from occurring, and will prevent students from accessing the games. You still have access to the dashboard and controls. Student scores history is retained intact.

Resuming the subscription will start charges again and provide full access to teachers and students.

Cancelling the subscription is done when you do not intend to return to use of the learning management system for an indefinite time. Your member credentials will still be active so that at any time in the future you may login again and re-subscribe. Student scores history will remain intact for at least 36 months.

Annual subscribers may need to use the cancel feature in order to decrease the number of student seats at the time of renewal in order to make sure the invoice is correct, since no reduction of student seats is allowed on an annual subscription. At renewal time cancel the existing subscription, then re-subscribe to a new annual subscription with reduced seats. [We hope to have a better solution in the future.]

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