Account (Admins only)
Member number (helpful to use in support communication
Administrator Name-can be updated
E-mail address can be updated. This is the e-mail address which uniquely defines a member. It is where the monthly or annual invoice will be sent.
Profile (Admins only) (Can be seen by MLC support staff)
Comments. A good place for any special instructions.
Phone number - Primary
Alternative Phone
Alternative Name
Alternative E-mail
Address-Billing (Admins only)
Address, city, state, zip, country
School Name
This information is required for annual payment invoicing.
[Please enter this information--if an e-mail address is mis-typed this may be the only way of reaching you.]
User Admin - [Only Subscriber-Admin] Manage Teacher-Admin Role. The Subscriber- Admin can delegate all duties except Subscription updates to a Teacher-Admin.
Subscriber-Admin can still perform same duties as the Teacher-Admin, as needed.
If you "Create New Teacher-Admin User" fill in the Name, UserName, E-mail address, and Password for that new User.
Alternatively, if you "Assign Existing User as Teacher-Admin," then another selection box appears, and you can choose an existing User to become the Teacher-Admin
By choosing "Assign Existing User as Teacher-Admin", and selecting the current Subscriber-Admin name, all duties are delegated back to the Subscriber-Admin (the Teacher-Admin Role is effectively eliminated and the former Teacher-Admin is just a Teacher Role again.)