These are the controls available to each user type upon log in to their "dashboard." [Boxes] Selecting the TerryTreble Logo in the upper left will take you to the Home Page.
Dashboard (returns you to Dashboard)
--Recent Notifications lists actions such as student creation
--My Subscription includes membership number and links to Term & Conditions and Subscription Management
--Edit Profile is quick link to Settings
Teachers (Create, edit, maintain teachers)
Students (Create, edit, maintain students)
Student Resources (Info for Students)
All Games (Access all games search)
Subscription (Manage subscription details)
Settings (Administrative settings)
Support (Help Center Support)
Dashboard (returns you to Dashboard)
Teachers (Create, edit, maintain teachers)
Students (Create, edit, maintain students)
Student Resources (Info for Students)
All Games (Access all games search)
Settings (Teacher settings)
Support (Help Center support)
Dashboard (returns you to Dashboard)
Students (Create, edit, maintain students)
Student Resources (Info for Students)
All Games (Access all games search)
Settings (Teacher settings)
Support (Help Center support)
Dashboard (returns you to Dashboard)
--Recent Notifications lists teacher messages
--Recent Courses quick links to Sequence Assignment
My Courses (Courses assigned history)
Student Resources (Info for Students)
All Games (Access all games search)
My Teacher (Not currently in use)