User Roles & Detail

Different kinds of users and their capabilities are listed below

By Terry Treble
November 28, 2020

User Hierarchy

Subscriber-Administrator (Member)

Manages the subscription details and financial aspects (payment info, add & subtract student seats, etc.)

Manages the music learning management system, with the exception of being a Student

This is the member of that has responsibility for its management and financial obligation.


Manages the music learning management system, with the exception of being a Student. A person who is a Teacher may be assigned this additional role (with unique username)--but a Teacher-Admin role is not also a Teacher, eg., the Teacher-Admin role does not have students.


Manages student accounts, but is not a student

Accesses Teacher and Student resources

Accesses games, but scores are not recorded


Plays games

Accesses student resources

User Roles Detail

Note that with the ENSEMBLE subscription the Subscriber-Administrator always has full access to the site (except as a Student), but the non-business activities can be delegated by creating a Teacher-Admin with a different username and password. This is helpful in school situations where one individual handles the business office aspects (e. g. payment info, add & subtract student seats, cancel subscription) and another handles the educational activity (creating teachers, assigning students, etc.)

For a PRELUDE subscription the Subscriber-Administrator can create one Teacher and the Teacher-Admin is grayed out (inoperative). For a SOLO subscription the Subscriber-Administrator has all the capabilities of a teacher (and is the same person).  The Teacher-Admin is grayed out (inoperative)



° Created as part of the original subscription registration process, including a unique username and password.  User editing is enabled.

° Payment information addition and edit.

° Schedule pause and restart of monthly subscriptions.

° Number of student seats addition (annual subscription) or additions and reductions (monthly subscription)

° Subscription identification and payment data addition and edit.

° Upgrade of subscription to another plan.

° Subscription termination (student scores data retained in system for 13 months).

° Receives copies of communications sent by via e-mail.

° Christine Hermanson Grant Program administration (future feature).

° All of the Teacher-Admin capabilities

° All of the Teacher capabilities


Teacher-Admin (Not a SOLO option)

° Created by the Subscriber-Administrator in an ENSEMBLE plan as an option by providing a unique username and password..

° Teacher/Admin dashboard access

° Receives copies of communications sent by via e-mail.

° Create Teachers by providing usernames and passwords.

° Assign and/or move students to specific Teachers

° Edit individual student information and passwords

° Game scores history viewing of all students.

° Edit individual student information and passwords

° Delete individual student and scores history records

° Create students by providing usernames and passwords.

° Specific game sequence assignment to students.

° Play on-line games individually selected (no scores are recorded for Teacher-Admin)



° Created by a Subscriber-Administrator or Teacher-Admin by providing a unique username and password.

° Teacher/Admin dashboard access

° Create students by providing usernames and passwords.

° Specific game sequence assignment to students.

° Edit individual student information and passwords

° Game scores history viewing of his or her students.

° Play on-line games individually selected (no scores are recorded for Teachers)


Regular Student

° Created by a Teacher or Teacher-Admin by providing a unique username and password.

° Play games, either sequenced or individual, via access to the student dashboard.

° Game scores history can be viewed individually.

° Challenge games participation, competing with other students world-wide.


Generic Student (often used for General Music classes)       

° Created by a Teacher or Teacher-Admin.

° Uses any of several general usernames and passwords created by a Teacher or Teacher-Admin.

° Play games, either sequenced or individual, via access to the student dashboard.

° Scores are recorded for each username—but are irrelevant since multiple students use the same usernames.

Role Structure Examples Chart

 Several different role structures are given as examples in this chart.


Roles structure simplified. Think of the roles structure this way. There are three "Admin" roles and one "Student" role:

  • Subscriber-Administrator does everything except what a Student does

  • Teacher-Admin (option) does everything except "Subscription" and what a Student does

  • Teacher's administer Students, but are not students

  • Students play the learning games and achieve scores.

Using roles

  • If you are an Admin you can see what a student sees by login on with student credentials.

  • If you are a Teacher-Admin you see all students records. To see only the students assigned to a specific Teacher, login as that Teacher.

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